Last month when I flew to Los Angeles from Taiwan I had the privilege of flying in EVA Air’s Hello Kitty themed jet. This was unexpected and caught me by surprise. I had previously did some research and thought the flight I was on would just be a normal jet but I guess I was wrong. I chuckled at the sight of grown men snapping photos of this jet near the window at the gate. I myself am guilty of this. What I thought was most interesting was that even the toilet paper was Hello Kittyed up.

This was also my first time flying Elite Class which is one up above Economy.  In my opinion it is definitely worth the upgrade.  The main reason being the larger seats, more legroom, and also the foot/ankle/leg-rest thingy that comes up from underneath the seat which you can use when you recline to simulate a bed (sorry I don’t know what the hell this is called).  Other differences I noticed in Elite class were that they gave you a bottle of water when we first boarded and also Haagen Dazs ice cream during dinner service.  The menu’s were also nicer looking but I’m not sure if that’s just part of the Hello Kitty theme or not.

EVA Air 777-300ER Hello Kitty

The Jet


EVA Air 777-300ER Hello Kitty

Again. Windows were tinted so that’s why it’s blue greenish.


Elite Class Seats

Elite Class Seats

My Seat right in front of the bathroom.  Damn the blurriness.

My seat right in front of the bathroom. Damn the blurriness.

My seat again

My seat again

More pics to come.